Feb 27, 2012

Where did you eat dinner last night?

A great question to ask yourself is, where did you eat dinner last night? Did you eat at the dinner table your kids slurping some food in before they grab their Nintendo DS? Did you watch a movie with your family while munching? Did you go out to eat and just watch the game over your wife's shoulder she went off about some kids in her kindergarten class?

There is a special moment at the dinner table that is lost socially and mentally when it is drowned by the TV, video games or a magazine. Your brain will focus so hard on that thing you are doing that it will not concentrate on what you are putting in your mouth. So you ask yourself, where did that bag of potato chips go? It is now in your stomach and your brain will not calculate it till the acids start turning. There is a need to hasten through your meal just so you can get in that extra 5 minutes of the news when it should have been put into the delight of the meal.
Socially dinner is the best time to sit with the family and talk. Did you know that kids who eat with their families at dinner are less likely do do drugs? They are statistically have higher grades, have higher self-esteem, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

So this week, take a moment and sit with your significant other, your family or even your dog at the table, enjoy the savory taste of your food and the quiet atmosphere it brings.


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