Mar 7, 2012


So many people quit exercise programs because "they are too hard" or "I just ran out of time" or "That chocolate cake was just so tempting, one bite and next thing I know, the whole triple layer cake was gone!". Any of this sound familiar? (I know the triple cake one does for me).

There are so many times we look in the mirror and we are not satisfied with how we look so we start a crash diet. A month later, you are back looking in that mirror with a Symphony Bar in your hand. It is the hardest thing to keep up with crazy diets or work out programs.

So I need you to take one moment to think ask yourself this question, "Why do I want to change my lifestyle?"

Notice my wording, it is not lose weight. That will come when you answer THIS question correctly. The wrong answers are, I want to lose weight, I want to look good in my bikini, I want to make those girls swoon, or my personal favorite I want to look like the movie stars!
There is always something deeper even if it is just, I need to for my profession (That is one of my motivations to be honest). Good answers to this question is "I want to get a new hip and to do that I must lose this weight", "I want to be a good example for my family", "I want to be able to walk up the stairs in my house without getting winded", "I want to live a longer happier life so I don't end up old and decrepit", "I want to run a marathon", and "I just want to be happy with how I am".

The reason people fall off the band wagon is because their reason for loosing weight is only the tip of the iceberg. They have not thought about it deep enough to realize the actual benefits of pushing through the pain and the temptations. Find your reason, write it down and NEVER forget it. For when you come home, exhausted and beat after a killer day at the office, you will see it on your mirror and remember the reason you are going to go to that gym. It is worth it in the end!

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