Apr 2, 2012

Dark Side

Imagine a sweet girl with cute little braids, a smile on her face, and let's put some flowers in her hand. A mean little boy come over and snips off one of her braids. She cries and then seeks out her revenge by putting fire ants in his bed. Let's face it, even the most innocent have a dark side. It is in us all. The trick is controlling it.

In our modern world there is so much noise, so much anger, so much hate and we are bombarded by it in every direction. It can bring out that dark side of you. You don't want to bring it out, especially on those you love. Here is some advice on avoiding lashing that side of you at another person.

  1. Avoid rough music. Listen to the words of a song. Even if the tune is catchy and  sounds uplifting it can be secretly sending dark thoughts into your heart. A song can have an intense guitar part and still not cater to your dark side.
  2. Sit in your bed each morning and just breathe for 5 minutes. Let no sound bother you, let no thought cross your mind, let nothing touch you that is of this world. Do this every time you feel angry and want to lash out.
  3. Let your dark side out once in a while. Once repressed it will come back, stronger and more dangerous than before. In a contained area (your house for example) where few people are, watch a film that brings out your dark side, listen to the music that makes you feel bleek. Don't be ashamed, it is human.
  4. Do something physical where you hit something. Just running is not as effective as actually smacking something.