There is this annoying rumor going around that fats are bad. Honestly, who ever told you this is probably going with a fad diet that they heard about. I have already expressed my concern with fad diets so check that out in my previous post. Here are the facts about fats. There are good ones and bad ones. Good fats help you store and release energy, they help your joints, your skin, your hair, and other epidermal layers. It is true that fats have the most amount of calories as compared to the other macronutrients (fat-9 calories/g, Carbs and Protiens-4 calories/g) but let's not view calories as fat potential, let's look at it as energy potential. Your diet should contain a 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% good fats. So what are good fats and bad fats then? Well, let's look below and find out!
The Good Fats