Jan 8, 2013

Harsh Reality

Dear friends,

I am going on a small rant. It may be a bit unprofessional but I like blunt honest truth sometimes so maybe there is someone out there who does too.

I read a phrase that was very harsh but very true. "Don't complain if you are not doing anything about it". I have seen clients who give excuse after excuse and still complain about their lack of weight loss. This bold statement of "don't complain if you are not doing anything about it" will change their perspective for life.

Excuses are my biggest pet peeve when I work with clients. Excuses to me are them complaining. I understand them for the first few times and really understand a problem if they are following my regiments and then not loosing weight or feeling changes. That is something I need to fix. It is when I find out they are making excuses, not following my regiments, whine to me that they are not loosing weight, and even those clients who flat out lie to me. I am one of those trainers who will give three chances but drop them if this behavior continues. ("What is that? Trainers can drop their clients?". As a matter of fact we trainers can. It is our right to not work with clients who are tearing us as trainers down and waste our time. It is bad for our business.)

I have created a system that starts a clients where they want to start. I will give the clients what they want and move further when they are almost ready to give them that challenge. If you don't like something I am doing, tell me and we can approach it differently but do not whine and give excuses just because it is hard. Weight loss and healthy living is actually a difficult thing to adjust into. I will give you my everything if you offer your everything to me.

~Love your Health and Wellness Coach

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