Jun 11, 2014

Beating Osteoporosis Ahead of Time

My amazing Grandma E. is turning 80. This woman is always smiling, always active, always helping, and always supportive. Grandma went in for a bone check last week. The results, she has the bone density of a young adult. The doctor even gave her a "GREAT" on her paper like it was an A+ essay. I asked her what she did to get those kind of results? Here is what she told me:

  1. I drink my whole milk in the morning
  2. I go outside often
  3. I make my own food
  4. I grow my own food
  5. I still mow my lawn
  6. I go on trips to my favorite relaxing spot (Oakley, Idaho)
  7. I don't see the point in stressing over silly things
  8. I talk to my friends and family
  9. I love oatmeal and cheese
  10. and good genes
I looked up many different ways to prevent osteoporosis and she has been practicing them since she was a child. Go Grandma!

Sometimes people aren't so lucky. Sometimes genes work against us. That is why my Mother has encouraged my sisters and I to annually get a mammogram, thyroid test, and cholesterol test because those are things in my family. If you have questions, you can check out this CDC link to help find out about some things you can do about preventative care.

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