Aug 22, 2014

Not Going to Conform

My amazing husband made an excellent point today. "Why don't you blog like you talk to people?" Might not seem like a deep question to most people, but I finally awoke to why I am doing this blog.

I am searching for a way to make fitness not the conformed cycle. I do like protein shakes. I do like not like fad diets. I do not like running. I don't have time to go to the gym nor do I make time. I will sleep until 8 and like it. I will play Hearthstone and I will eat my chocolate chip cookie and not freak out about a missed workout. The reason, because I am human and I am living my life, happily.

Playing Women's Tackle Football
I have tried these workout plans, these diet plans, these protein powders, and the supplements. I have done the Zumba, had a membership at one of the top gyms in Utah, listened to many personal trainers talk about their amazing regiment, and have tried most of them. The results are me being tired, cranky, and having no time to just breath and enjoy.

I cry inside when I saw a woman post on No Excuse Moms on Facebook that she had no time for her husband, her house was a mess, and she was exhausted but she lost 15 pounds. This is not fair and it needs to stop in the fitness world. We are people. We have needs, wants, and desires. All these need to be fit in our schedule. We don't have money or time to make every meal out of gluten free, whole grain, sugar free, fat free, turkey with quinoa meals. (I don't care what people say, most of those healthy food are REALLY nasty.) We don't have time for the best equipment and going to a gym with our babies in a carrier next to us. To those of you who do, GOOD JOB! That is your thing and it makes you happy. I will NOT sacrifice the many talents and precious moments so I get lose 10 pounds.

Yoga in a mess
I am 180 pounds and 5'8". I am technically overweight. I do not workout every day. I do not eat whole grain anything. I drink Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper on occasion. I do not go out on hikes or bike rides with my family every day nor do I seek those as fun activities. My favorite activities are watching movies with my family, playing video games with my husband, painting and crafting, playing basketball, Yoga, gardening, quilting and occasional walks. I am a normal mom who just wants to be happy.

I will be perfectly honest. I am finally happy. I never liked my body as a child. I was big and when I worked out I couldn't wear baby doll shirts because my biceps were too big. I ate like crap and believed any fad that was going around. I was not straight A smart, I did not feel talented, and I felt I had nothing that made me stand out. I now realize, it is because I never stood out that I can stand out now for all those who also feel like they don't stand out. Those who are good at many things and have many talents but will never be given a scholarship for Art, Dance, Athletics, or Academics. For those like me who just want to be happy and enjoy their life, you are in the right place. Welcome and please find your happiness whether it be in the gym, in your significant others arms, with babies kissing your cheeks, in the finish line of that 26.2 run, even happiness with a little extra weight around your waist because you would rather paint or cook.

My Beautiful Family
I am here to blog about how you can do that and be happy and healthy. I have remembered my purpose. I will be better for you and me. Love you all!

Sister-in-laws on Christmas morning
Walked on graduation with my husband from UVU

Amazing and beautiful friends from High School

Best Friend EVER!
On my Wedding day about 6 years ago (weighed 170 and still a size 10)

My beautiful niece!
My wonderful sister!

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