Aug 17, 2014

Relieving Stress Through Scheduling

Relieving Stress Through Scheduling

If you have not noticed, my post didn't come out Wednesday. When I realized that I didn't post and my anxiety went up to a million. I could not figure out why I was so anxious over something I had no control over. After racking my brain and going through my schedule for that week I realized why my stress load was becoming a one-rep press test with no spotters.

If you have a child in your life, you are probably like me and can sing every song from Frozen and quote the entire movie. So before you ask yourself "why am I watching Umi Zoomi again if my kid isn't even watching it?" put yourself in their shoes. Studies have shown that children with ADHD and ADD perform better when exposed to the same set schedule every day. (Any researches want to go in with me on a research project for morning schedules and test scores in adolesents?) Those kids are in their comfort zone. For them, it is a comfort to know that nothing new is going to pop out and scare them or cause anxiety because the baby is crying in the show and they don't know how to make the baby better or if it will be okay (my constant problem with my sweet, sensitive, little boy). We adults really are just experienced kids but we have the same problems and anxiety issues as the miniature versions of ourselves.

(Yes this part caused me anxiety. Especially the song and the tic tac toe part. Don't judge me. I also chose this instead of Anything can happen Thursday because it shows how not knowing what will happen next causes Sheldon the same anxiety I experienced when watched this part.)

Schedule and expectations is very important to a persons sanity. It lets us be aware of where we are going next, when we will eat next, when we will get somewhere we need to be or when we can take care of those who depend on us. There are those fun things such as seeing a new movie and getting the thrill of good stress from anxiety as you wonder what is going to happen to Star Lord and his gang. Those stresses are short and controlled, usually they are resolved. Larger, more important things than when will Chris Pratt take off his shirt again take over our lives and increase our stress levels to the point of being unhealthy.

Learning to keep a constant schedule will help lower your stress level. If there is a big assignment you need to accomplish while juggling your real life problems can be difficult. Finding time to fulfill your basic needs is the first thing you need to concentrate on. Within that time, find gaps to accomplish the short term assignment. Doing a little bit at a time can be less stressful and will allow you to perform better.

Sacrificing your basic human needs or the needs of those around you will cause more anxiety to everyone. Try to take lunches away from the office or (if you are a stay at home parent like me) go outside for a picnic. Keep the same time to get up, workout, eat lunch, get home, or go to bed. You don't have to do the same boring thing EVERY day. Go for a picnic for lunch instead. Add a short yoga session when you wake up in the morning. Go for a walk after dinner. Keep the basic time habits to prevent the stress load from becoming too much.

Have a question?  JUST ASK! My information is on the top bar. I also love hearing your comments. Don't hesitate to criticize, gush, or just be silly.

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