Whether it be money, physical fitness, a lifelong goal, or a short term goal, it is vital to remember that there are other things. I understand that somethings require a lot of sacrifice and in the end, it is usually worth it! Those who are most successful are the ones who allowed their main goal to take a back seat to something else once in a while.
I have seen it time and time again someone who is physically fit, rich, career driven, or into their own selfish ways be estranged to their children, friends, family, and even the world around them. I have also witnessed a friend through am amazing weight loss journey run marathon after marathon, week after week. We were so proud of him! However, his sacrifice was energy and his spark that made him so amazing. He would fall asleep in movies, at work,and he would be quiet and non-collaborative when we did activities. He lost his balance of recovery eating and sleeping and it affected his general well-being.
Here are some questions to help determine if you're balanced.
- Have you called, Facebook messaged, video chatted or texted someone that is important to you in the last week?
- Have you eaten the amount of calories required for your activity level?
- Have you gotten extra sleep if you are working out more? (I suggest accounting an extra 15-20 minutes for every hour of vigorous exercise you perform)
- Have you taken at least a 3 day vacation in the last 6 months?
- Have you indulged in something that you love in the last week? (yoga, chocolate cake, moms homemade beef and barley stew, taking all morning to snuggle your baby, taking a hot bubble bath, etc.)
- Do you feel like you can take a short walk around the block? (NOT on a treadmill.)
- Have you done the dishes or made your bed?
- Have you gone out on the town and met someone new?
- Have you touched another living creature in a tender or passionate way?
- Have you done something silly today? (laughed at something stupid, danced in the rain, sing your favorite song loud and proud, spun in a circle with your arms out, picked a flower and pulled off all its peddles, etc.)
This is Crystal. She is one of my inspirations and helps me balance my life. Go to her Yoga class at The Pit Elevated in Orem Monday-Friday at 7 pm as a way to achieve one of the above goals. |
That is what this blog is about. It isn't about who can lose the most amount of weight. It isn't about who has the best 6 pack. It isn't about who is the wealthiest, the strongest, the most successful. This blog is about FINISHING your fitness. That includes finding balance in your life.
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