Nov 4, 2014

Drinking Water Tips

Water can be really tough to drink. Our bodies do weird things when we are thirsty including thinking we are hungry. Avoid the habit of grabbing those chips by following these simple tips to making your water filled life easier.

  1. Water stations
    1. I know the four main places I am throughout the day. They are my kitchen, my bedroom, my laundry room, my work station. Each of these four "lazy" location has a water bottle or big cup constantly available. That way, when I am absent minded while working on a project or doing laundry, I know that I can sip on some water instead of on candy or chips.
  2. Flavor water
    1. Some people don't like flat water. They have these amazing water flavors without any calories or sugars. They are usually found in the juice aisle. Give them a try!
  3. Have water first
    1. If you have a hunger craving, it is possible you are just thirsty. Try drinking a big glass of water first, wait a few minutes, and see what your body says. If you are still hungry, eat a little snack!
  4. Chug after you run
    1. Too many times after, or during workouts, we forget water. Even if you are not sweating that water is so important. It is the lubricant of your body to help it run better, repair and recreate. Don't deprive it what it is made of!
I hope that this fall you don't forget to drink your water! Just because it is not hot does not mean you should neglect your water. Have fun setting up your water stations!

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