Apr 30, 2012

Group Encouragement

If you are planning on going to the gym alone, that might not be your best option. Have a friend? I know you do, have them come workout with you. There is strength in numbers. You will be able to push your friend and your friend will be able to push you.
If you have a fear that you are not as strong as your comrade, don't like working out with someone else, or have other self conscious thoughts, my simple words of advice are, GET OVER IT! It sounds rude but I feel it is honesty. If they are a true friend they will work with your weaknesses and make you stronger. They bring you up and keep you going even when you want to stop. If anything your friend will encourage you to go. That alone is the most difficult thing.
Call up your friend, neighbor, or find a friend in the gym and get on each others' cases when they don't come. Check up on them when you see them. Compliment them for being at the gym or the way they look. All these things will help.
Let's fight obesity together and help each other eliminate the burden of being unhealthy.

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