May 21, 2012

Shake it Out

Salt is an interesting crystal. It is inorganic, table salt is sodium chloride, it is not flammable, was once used as currency in Ethiopia and ancient Egyptians used it to embalm the dead.

What is salt in our day? Salt has many uses in every day life. It is used to preserve, cleanse, and edify. We also use it to put some extra taste to our food. That is not exactly the best idea. 1/4 tsp. salt = 500 mg sodium. That is just about 4 seconds of shaking salt from an average shaker. You really only need 1 tsp (or 1 gram) of salt to survive every day. Most of this can already be found in foods we consume that are not processed. 
Salt is an acquired taste and therefore it can be un-acquired. Sea Salt is not a salt alternative. It is no better for you than table salt. Try your food without salt and see what it does for your body.

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