Jun 4, 2012

Breaking Down Your Workouts

Do you go to the gym every day and think, "what am I going to do today" which usually ends up with a couple sit-ups and 10 minutes on the treadmill then home to a bear-claw? Here is a simple way to help you break down your work-outs to make your time at the gym more effective.
1)       Know your own time table
a)      If you are busy at work or at home with the kids make sure you set your time limit in the gym. Most gyms have child care that will last about 2 hours (I know Gold’s only does 90 minutes. Check with your gym’s day care). If you only have an hour before work, schedule for a 40 min workout and use the gym’s locker rooms and showers to get ready for work.
2)       Work with your children
a)      Make sure you have all the needs of your child met before you go. Make sure they have eaten before you leave so they will not be grumpy while there. Bring an extra change of diapers and cloths just in case and have a snack available since most day cares do not provide food. Some will allow bottles sippies if the child is still little, make sure to ask before bringing food or liquid into the day care.
3)       Know what your goals are.
a)      If you are short on time, striving to only lose weight and love to do aerobic classes then set the time only for that aerobic time. You can leave the classes early. The instructor will not get mad at you for leaving early if you need to. I personally want to focus on strength and power training so I set aside time only to work on those needs.
4)       Break down on a day to day basis
a)      I have a personal schedule that goes:
Monday-biceps back
Tuesday- Legs and hips
Thursday-Triceps and chest
Friday- Power
Saturday-Active rest (running, hiking, swimming, gardening)

Make up your own weekly schedule according to your specific needs.
5)       Find what you love
a)      Love water aerobics, biking, lifting, circuit, or any other kinds of workouts? Then do them! There are a wide variety of trainers with specific skill sets and classes that offer a wide variety of workouts. Do what you love and keep at it.
6)       Don’t compare
a)      There is a weird perception that you need to workout for at least 2 hours a day in the gym. This is a false idea. I am able to achieve my workouts within an easy 30 minute time set. If you have things planned out for you in the gym and you finish it quickly (and of course correctly) than you do not need to worry. I may be a personal trainer, but I am not a gym rat. I do not feel comfortable sitting in the gym for more than an hour at a time. If you do have a workout that last 2 hours than good for you. Do it.
Hope these help you stay in the gym longer without wandering around aimlessly. It will give you confidence and assurance of what you are meant to go to next. Have fun in the gym today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was helpful. I sometimes get only an hour and feel like I've not accomplised anything, but my workout is done. So I wander from machine to machine until time is up. It creates a sense of boredom and dislike. However, I like the idea that if I'm done, I can be done!