Natural Cleaning Solutions
I love cleaning. I love having a clean house. However, after my first child sucked down an ant trap (it is just borax, which is non toxic), I became terrified at the possibility of my child getting into something worse. I turned to a homemade,healthy, natural cleaner.
This is my cleaner that I use for all over my house. My son even got a hold of it once and ended up spraying it all over my kitchen (trying to clean like Mommy). I was able to just laugh and help him wipe it off. Be aware that this product is still dangerous if a lot is swallowed and should still be locked away with young children around.
Natural cleaning solution
1:3 parts white vinegar
1:3 parts water
.5:3 rubbing alcohol
lemon or peppermint oil
That is it. I use it EVERYWHERE. I use it in my kitchen, bathrooms, showers, and toilets. The smell is powerful at first but goes away quickly. I use a microfiber cloth (I found mine in the vehicle section in Costco) to clean surfaces to help keep our environment a bit better as well.
Natural Floor Cleaner
Dawn dish soap
Lemon oil
I had a maid service for a while because my second baby floored me for the last 3 months of my pregnancy and the first part of the pregnancy. My wood floors were mirror like. I asked her what she did and that was the recipe she gave me. I use it all the time. I have no fear of my children getting a hold of this...well, unless I want a super soapy mess. Experiment with the mixture. I use more oil when I want a better shine.
There are so many natural cleaners that you can make at home. Look around and find the one that works for you. The vinegar one doesn't bug me but it may bother you. Most of all, have fun! Open the windows to the spring air and get cleaning! Nothing beats a clean house.
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