1. Cultural mix up
I did not like eggs. The only time I ate eggs was boiled on my salad or in french toast. I found this youtube channel called Japanese Cooking 101 that made a fried egg called Tamagoyaki. It is different than normal fried eggs in how it is cooked and it has a rice sweetener in it and soy sauce. So try cooking something curry style, or Mexican, or German. See what you think.
2. Mix with unhealthy foods
I do not like whole wheat spaghetti. It just doesn't taste like my Mommy's spaghetti she use to make me. So I have a rule, 2/3 unhealthy and 1/3 healthy. I use this rule with coconut oil and margarine, sugar and agave, and a few other healthier options. It is not the healthiest selection but it really works for me.
3. Make it personal
I love gardening. I usually don't like red romaine but I grew it for the color mostly. I wrapped the taco in red romaine and liked it that much more because I grew it. Grow it yourself or go to a local farmers market. It really makes a difference in your approach to food.
4. Cook it differently
Steamed broccoli can get SO boring. Try making a broccoli-potato soup instead. Maybe you can fry it with some garlic, or mix it with your rice, or you can make broccoli patties! This also works with fish. Make Salmon patties, battered fish, fresh caught fried fish. Use your imagination!
5. Fortify
When making bread, cupcakes, burgers or whatever, I add a little something to health it up. I add a tablespoon of Wheat Germ to EVERYTHING I bake even when the recipe doesn't ask for it. You can also puree vegetables and put it in unexpected places such as carrots in brownies or squash/chicken peas with cookies. Be careful how much you add because sometimes the kids catch on when the burgers are green from too much spinach is in their burgers.
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