Jan 30, 2012


I found this wonderful nutrition guide for athletes online from the University of Minnesota. If you are an athlete, have athletic children, or live a very active lifestyle you should really look into this. I read it in 5 minutes and I am a slow reader. It will not take up much of your time. (It is a PDF file)

To add to this a little, especially to my team mates on the Blitz if you are reading this, the activity level of a pro athlete is training for 4 hours every day. Even I do not work out that much. Be aware of your activity level. Keep track of your calorie intake and what those calories represent.
For example, I had about 16 pieces of wheat thins. According to the box I consumed 10% of my daily need for sodium and 8% of my fiber needs. I also got some protein and iron all to be 130 calories. So the sodium was not a happy thing but my body needed those lovely nutrients and wholesome, filling calories.

Facinating Fact!

According to the Cleveland Clinic Center for Consumer Health, a runner who weighs 130 lb. will burn 2,224 calories during a marathon, a 165 lb. runner will burn 2,822 calories and a 210 lb. runner will burn 3,593 calories.

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