Feb 5, 2012

Line Jumps

This workout is useful for those who need to quicken their feet movement. It is also a great workout for those who need to strengthen their ankles. Only do this with one foot if you can stand on one leg for more then 30 seconds without falling. Otherwise do it with two feet as shown on the last section on this video.
This exercise takes little space and raises your heart rate quickly. It is fantastic for those who have the excuse, I can't afford or go to the gym. All you need is a line which can be made with tape or the crack in your side walk (don't step on it or you will break your mother's back).
Start at 30 jumps with each leg and with both legs (ex. left leg 30, right leg 30, both legs 30) then move it up to 60 jumps. Get that heart pumping and shed those pounds.

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